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Friday, December 7, 2007

One Step Closer

We are hoping, based on what we heard today, that we go to court on Friday. Mathematically, it looks like we are running out of time to be able to get Chris home this year because the U.S. Embassy closes for 2 weeks on December 24. Yes, the work ethic is staggering. Our return tickets say December 24, so it will probably require one of us to come back after the new year to get his passport, etc. done.

Anderson and I went to visit him at the orphanage today. We had a great time and it looks, more and more, like he is fitting well into our family. We went to the little store down the block and while we were there, he wanted to buy one of his teachers a Birthday present. So we picked up a box of chocolates for her. He always seems to be thinking of others.

We returned to the orphanage and continued our visit. He learned a few more English phrases and we laughed a lot. When the director came out, I asked him if she was good to him. He patted the top of his head and said this is what she does to him.

We have our first inside joke. Our facilitator, George, is very tall and has a goatee. He also has some "interesting" views about life. Many of them are based on beliefs and superstitions here. Anderson and I call him "George the Jedi." We shared this with him and he loved it. I wish he could do a Jedi mind trick on the judge and everyone else to get us through this!!!

We really do know that God has everything in the palm of His hand. If mine and Paula's timing has worked the way we planned, we would only have a little girl who currently lives about 8 hours south. He knew that Chris was supposed to be our son. It took about a year and a half to get Chris out of the shelter and through their legal process to make him available. Otherwise, he would be destined to be alone the rest of his days on earth. It makes my brain hurt to think of how so much of life hangs on what we call thin threads and choices that we make. Playing it safe sure sounds boring to me.

By the way, we are still pursuing the little girl to the south of us- more on that another time.

I will go for now. Tomorrow, we plan to finally see some of the historical sites of this very old city.


Isaiah 55:9
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."


brennan said...

Your photos are beautiful..thank you for sharing. How peaceful and sweet is Chris' face. Hang in there...love, Amy and family

Ronda said...

We are still praying that you can all come home together though like you said, God's timing is what really matters. You have a beautiful family and we are just so thrilled for you.
The Chandlers

Smith Family ~ "Party of Six" said...

Ya'll, One of the ladies from our church, the one who made the quilts from this summer? She is so excited for you guys and is praying as are the rest of us, for your family. I love the family photo in the snow :) Many Blessings! :)
The Smiths ~ Here and There ;)