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Sunday, November 25, 2007

One Step Closer

Well, we had an opportunity to get the inspector past us and now we will go tomorrow for the "official visit" to the orphanage. Our facilitator came by today to make sure the paperwork was in order from our perspective.

Andrey/Vitalik spent the day with us and we took them to eat at the Fat House, a good Ukrainan restaurant. Andrey chose this, as he had never been there. They loaded up and ate it all. Andrey wanted to buy his teacher some perfume, so the boys and I went and took care of that. After going to the underground mall to play video games and eating ice cream, they enjoyed sitting around the flat playing games and hanging out. Andrey asked George, our facilitator, if we would be in America before his birthday on Dec. 15. George could not be optimistic about this, but I told him there would be a late celebration. He told me that he enjoys riding the Ripstick and bikes.

No change with my Dad. My brother said that the CAT scan shows severe hemorrhaging in the brain and it does not look good. Please continue to pray.



Ethel said...

We are praying for your dad and your family - how good that you were able to spend some time with him before you left. God is truly directing your steps.

Debra said...

Paula and Ande (and kids),

We are praying for you as you are in the Ukraine as well as for your Dad and family back here. Thanks for sharing your journey.....debra

Chris G. said...

Hey guys. Making final preparations. The luggage Nazi just informed me that my packing has been approved. Should be there to visit with you on Tuesday. Looking forward to it. So glad to be able to share this part of our lives together. We are praying for your family. God bless.

Chris and the militant packer

Smith Family ~ "Party of Six" said...

Ande & Paula,
Wanted to tell you we are praying with you and for you as you continue your journey with so much going on at home. I know that it registers and you have said it to likely dozens of people yourself as you have tried to be an encouragement to so many, but it bears out in reminder that while this is not your plan, nor what you ever would have wanted to guessed it to be, God is not suprised by your circumstances, He is still on His throne and much in charge of each detail of your precious lives, your families, and this gift of adoption which you are obediently following His calling to. May He grant you His peace and may you choose to accept it in all things. We are praying for you and we appreciate your ministry on behalf of so many while you are there.
With Love and Respect,
The Smiths Here and There